aniket | classic computers


I completed a web design course at Classic Computers and currently work as a web designer. Thanks to Classic Computers, I've been able to make a living in the field of web design. As a result, I chose Classic Computers as one of the best computer institutes.

Vandana Ajay Arora

It was quite beneficial in helping me achieve my career goals and turn my endeavours into successes. It was also really beneficial to my schoolwork. It's a fantastic computer institute.

vandana ajay arora | classic computers
Vijay Saini | Classic Computers

Vijay Saini

The way this course was put up was fascinating. I can't thank you enough for taking a hands-on approach to programming. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. I'm excited to study more in the courses that come after this one. Thank You Classic Computers.

Taruna Kapoor

As a newcomer to our group, I soon felt at ease owing to the outgoing and warm, welcoming manner in which I was included in all events. Several members generously provided their ideas, support, and methods to contact them in the future if I need assistance.

Taruna Kapoor | Classic Computers